Employee's Charter

Addressing Employee Need
The Employee's Charter provides a blueprint for fairness in the workplace. Through six simple, common-sense principles, it speaks to the most essential and universal employee needs across cultures and borders around the world.
Job Security
Being competitive by making a better product for a better price is the best way to enhance job security. Magna is committed to working together with you to help protect your job security. To assist you, Magna will provide job counselling, training and employee assistance programs.
Competitive Wages & Benefits
Magna will provide you with information which will enable you to compare your total compensation, including wages and benefits, with those earned by employees of your direct competitors and local companies your division competes with for people. If your total compensation is found not to be competitive, your total compensation will be adjusted.
A Safe & Healthful Workplace
Magna is committed to providing you with a working environment which is safe and healthful.
Fair Treatment
Magna offers equal opportunities based on an individual's qualifications and performance, free from discrimination or favouritism.
The Hotline
Should you have a problem, or feel the above principles are not being met, we encourage you to contact the Hotline to register your complaints. You do not have to give your name, but if you do, it will be held in strict confidence. Hotline Investigators will respond to you.
The Hotline is committed to investigate and resolve all concerns or complaints and must report the outcome to Magna’s Global Human Resources Department.
Employee Equity & Profit Participation
Magna believes that every employee should share in the financial success of the Company.
Communication & Information
Through regular monthly meetings between management and employees and through publications, Magna will provide you with information so that you will know what is going on in your company and within the industry.