The two were married in front of a preacher in the living room of their house on January 25, 2020. The bride wore a light pink dress and the groom, who grew up in Mexico City, wore business attire with a pink shirt. Their daughters Andrea, 6, and Camila, 1, were at their parents’ side during the ceremony.
Even more changes were in store for Heydi Lara in late 2020, when she was promoted to a Magna team supervisor managing 80 people on the Nissan liftgate line during the overnight shift. It was the culmination of a career trajectory that included being promoted from a temporary to full-time employee in 11 months, then being tapped as a team leader two years later.
“I started in the ‘finesse’ department, wiping down parts and checking for flaws,” Lara said. “As a supervisor now, I understand my people. Keep everybody positive is my goal. If needed, I literally get on the line. I did that on shift last night. I tell them, ‘I come from there and I know what to do to help.’”
Lara credits her father Josue Sosa, the role model for her work ethic, and Magna for opening the door to “a lot of opportunities.”
“Since I started at Magna, I’ve learned a lot, grown a lot and become a better person,” she said. “I’m achieving things. Magna gave me the opportunity to show I could do it.”
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