Review 2018

Supplier Innovation Challenge 2018
From April to June 2018 Magna Powertrain invited to the second Supplier Innovation Challenge. Current and potential future suppliers had the possibility to hand in their ideas concerning three types of categories: conventional powertrain technologies, electrification and science fiction thinking - automotive reality.
From July to September, the corresponding engineering expert teams evaluated the received ideas. Eight finalists were selected and invited to the Supplier Innovation Day 2018 at the Engineering Center Steyr in St. Valentin on November 8th, 2018. In a fair atmosphere, the suppliers presented their products and ideas and used the chance to meet our engineers.
The following evening event took place at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, a museum of the future. After a projection show at the AEC’s Deep Space 8K the suppliers and Magna engineers and management discussed about their ideas and future automotive trends. Moderated by our Senior Manager Purchasing Operations, Katrin Schörkhuber and Steven Rush, Vice President Purchasing, the following companies and ideas received the Supplier Innovation Award 2018:

1st Place
Conventional Powertrain Technologies
Trumpf Laser- & Sytemtechnik GmbH – Modulated laser welding to increase the weld seam quality
1st Place
NTN-SNR & efi Automotive – Sensor bearing for e-drive motors
1st Place
Science fiction thinking. Automotive reality.
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies – Smart material